Laser hair removal rids the body of unwanted hair in a variety of places. In this process, lasers, using light waves of different levels, remove unwanted bodily hair. Some lasers use a device for cooling whereas others may not. Lasers produce gentle light beams that enter the skin through the hair follicles. The energy from the laser transforms itself into heat, is absorbed by the hair, and the follicles are destroyed. During the procedure, some people feel a slight pinching sensation or a feeling like the pop of a small rubber band on their skin. Before the procedure starts, you can opt for a topical anesthesia on the area to be treated.

Men tend to ask for this procedure to be done on their shoulders or backs. On the back, the procedure usually takes an hour; on the shoulders, about forty-five minutes. Women use laser hair removal on the bikini area, legs, underarms, upper lip and chin. Treatment on the bikini area takes about eight minutes, underarms about 90 seconds, the chin about two minutes, and the upper lip about fifteen seconds. Hair removal on the legs takes a lot longer - up to three hours.

Most people will need three to six treatments to permanently remove unwanted hair. Hair color, skin tone and hair coarseness all plays important roles in how many treatments may be necessary.

Once the follicles have been destroyed, hair won't grow back if the recommended number of treatments has been completed.

To prepare for laser hair removal you must avoid electrolysis, waxing or plucking for about three weeks before the procedure. Sun tanning and exposure should also be avoided on those areas that will be treated.

After treatment, you can immediately return to your normal, everyday routines and work schedules. For two weeks following treatment, keep sun exposure to a minimum.

Four days after treatment, it's OK to shave in and around the area being treated. Do not pluck, use electrolysis or wax these areas in between treatments as this could cause the next scheduled procedure to be ineffective. Shaving is the safest and only approved method of removing unwanted hair during this time.

After treatment you may have no signs that a procedure has been done. Some swelling or redness could appear around the treated area, but this is rare and clears up within days.

As with any treatment, there are some risks involved but they are rare. These could include skin discoloration, blistering of the skin, infection, burning of the skin and possible allergic reactions.

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