07 27th, 2006
Mole Removal

Mole removal plastic surgery is very important for you to have when your physician is suspicious of a mole or moles which have appeared on your body. Skin cancer is a rapidly spreading problem and catching it in time makes all the difference, before it has time to spread even further and to avoiding more problems with it in the future.

Before the mole removal plastic surgery is done your physician will run a analysis by microscope and a biopsy of the mole or moles that are suspect. This will be done by a small piece of the mole being removed and it then will be sent off to a laboratory of pathology for further intense investigation and testing.

If the tests show the mole to be normal in origin, then it can be removed by your physician by either cutting it off or by shaving it off.

Mole removal cosmetic surgery using the shaving procedure is done by the mole�s surface which is raised being made flush with the skins surface.

The cutting procedure of mole removal cosmetic surgery is done when a mole is suspect of being possibly cancerous or is deep. The mole and tissue that surround it are removed by incision or laser in an oval like shape. The incision will then be closed by the use of sutures, unless done with a laser and then there is no reason to use the sutures.

After the mole removal cosmetic surgery you can expect some pain in varying degrees. Depending on which procedure the physician used for removal. You will notice scabs appearing, which means healing has started and these will lasts anywhere from a one week to two week period of time. If you develop redness afterwards it should subside within a time period of three to four weeks.

Mole removal plastic surgery is done on people who have a history of skin cancer, whose moles are very suspect in nature or are causing discomfort.

The advantages of having mole removal surgery are the outcome is incredibly effective in its treatment and removal of the suspect mole, once the entire mole and surrounding tissues have been removed they can all be sent off to pathology for a more scrutinized intensive testing for further investigation and it will not take long of a recovery period from this type of procedure.

Risks involved with mole removal surgery includes an infection starting at the surgery site, allergy to the anesthesia used during the procedure, damage to the nerves and scarring is the most common problem associated with mole removal, once you are cut to remove the mole you will have a small or medium sized scar according to where it is located and how large the mole itself was. This bothers a lot of people.

The need for mole removal surgery can be eliminated if you be sure and take care of your skin by wearing sunscreen of 15 SPF or higher whenever you venture outdoors on any bare skin the sun will come in contact with, especially the face and arms also make yourself aware of all the moles you do have and watch them on a regular basis for any changes which may occur in them and make an appointment with a dermatologist if you notice any. Prevention is the best cure for skin cancer and protecting your skin at all times.

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